simulate_reads.chooseInsert(seq, args, READ_COUNTER, max_attempts=5)[source]

choose the insert start and end positions based on a predetermined distribution of insert sizes

simulate_reads.createAltAllele(seq, SNP_frequency)[source]

simulate the mutation process to generate a heterozygous allele

simulate_reads.createRandomSequence(mu=3392, sigma=2600, m=300, M=10000)[source]

create a random ATCG string with random length. Note: use the normal distribution to choose the length (mean: 3392bp, s.d 2600bp), but discard lengths outside the range [m,M]


constructs a dictionary {seq_id: sequence} of random ATCG sequences (for default values see the randomGene() function


generate a random sequence library and save to file

simulate_reads.createReadLibrary(df, reads_file_1, reads_file_2, args)[source]

loop through a dataframe containing sequences (ref and alt alleles) and expression levels (ref and alt counts) and create two dictionaries of simulated NGS reads (fwd and reverse read pairs)

simulate_reads.createReadPair(seq, reads_file_1, reads_file_2, READ_COUNTER, args)[source]

simulate a single pair of reads in an NGS experiment

simulate_reads.createTestInsert(s_fwd, args)[source]

create an insert (for testing purposes only)

simulate_reads.defineCountsAndSequences(df, args)[source]

loop through each gene (transcript) constructing a second allele (based on a defined mutation rate) and read counts for each allele (divide up the total reads between ref & alt alleles: proportions depend on whether the gene has been assigned as ASE or not)

simulate_reads.fastWrap(text, width=None)[source]

much quicker than textwrap.wrap

simulate_reads.fasta(seq_index, wrap=None)[source]

format a dictionary of {label:sequence} pairs into a fasta string

simulate_reads.fastq(seq_index, args, wrap=None)[source]

format a dictionary of {label:sequence} pairs into a fastq string

simulate_reads.indexFasta(fasta, limit=None)[source]

re-written to account for some entries having ‘>’ in the title string!

simulate_reads.invert(i, s)[source]

return a coordinate corresponding to a position on the reverse strand that matches a coordinate on the forward strand, i.e.

0     5
| --> | 
      |        |
      9    <-- 0
simulate_reads.mutateString(ref_seq, SNP_frequency)[source]

based on a specified frequency, return a list of positions to mutate

Note: there are many possible ways this could be done


custom fasta header parser specific to this dataset

might not work with other datasets


index the reference transcriptome, assign read counts, then decide which genes are going to be ASE


select a quality string at random from a real RNA-Seq dataset

NOTE: It is assumed that the available quality strings are >= the length of the sequence strings. There is an assert statement in createReadLibrary() which enforces this at the time of args.qualdata construction.


returns a random True/False based on: <probability> chance of returning True 1 - <probability> chance of returning False


basic function for extracting quality strings from a fastq file


create a simulated NGS dataset containing allelic inbalance in the expression of a defined proportion of genes

this function can be modified to output multiple sequencing simulations from a single simulated RNA sample, but with varying read counts to assess the effect of increasing sequencing depth


plot insert sizes from an invariant pseudo-transcriptome


plot insert sizes from an actual transcriptome


model the insert size distribution of an actual transcriptome

>>> from scipy import stats

# choose some parameters >>> a, loc, scale = 1.3, -0.1, 2.2 # draw a sample >>> sample = stats.skewnorm(a, loc, scale).rvs(1000)

# estimate parameters from sample >>> ae, loce, scalee = >>> ae 1.2495366661560348 >>> loce -0.039775813819310835 >>> scalee 2.1126121580965536

NOTE: the file ‘ERR2353209.insert_size_metrics.txt’ has insert data based on mapping RNA-Seq reads to a genome. Therefore, some reported inserts will span splice junctions and thus be recorded as longer than they actually are. It was generated by running picard::CollectInsertSizeMetrics

I do not plan to modify it, however one way would be to map reads to the transcriptome instead, then re-measure the insert sizes.
